What We Do
The Canine & Feline Sector Group is a membership body which unifies the sector and is therefore able to improve efficiency through sharing information and resources with its members. The Group responds collectively to Government consultations and provides expert advice to policy makers on all issues relating to dogs and cats whilst ensuring the members are kept updated on developments and any changes affecting their work. By developing a united group from across different disciplines in animal welfare, key areas are targeted by the members developing a strong focus and recognisable expertise within one body. Whilst CFSG is a membership group, it is open to engagement with other organisations and individuals.
CFSG is best placed to give advice on the welfare and health of dogs and cats but it also seeks to ensure there is a full understanding of the role of dogs and cats in society and the benefits they bring.
CFSG's constitution can be found here
CFSG Terms of Reference
- The mission of the Canine & Feline Sector Group is to act as a group comprised of the leading third sector animal welfare organisations and relevant enforcement, veterinary and industry representatives to improve the health and welfare of dogs and cats.
- The group was established in March 2014 and seeks to maximise its effectiveness by identifying and managing issues of shared responsibility, coordination of resources, expertise and effort, using a risk based approach.
- The specific functions of the Group are: -
- To be a functioning sector council that advises the Animal Health and Welfare Board England (AHWBE) and Defra Ministers in a coherent and effective way.
- To work together with AHWBE, Defra and other bodies to develop workable policies that properly address the key issues facing the sector.
- To be a reliable provider of expert and informed opinion quickly, for use in Government, media and other environments.
- To contribute directly to the formulation of strategies, solutions and plans for practical delivery of both regulation and informal initiatives (eg: charities and the veterinary profession coming together to work operationally on issues of joint interest that may be of pressing importance such as supporting the microchipping of all dogs).
- To be able to plan for, and respond to, sector emergencies (e.g. rabies outbreak or other zoonotic disease outbreak).
- To act as a sounding board and to advise AHWBE / Defra on sector issues and facilitate and enable open debate on issues of concern (e.g. Dangerous Dogs Legislation, changes to pet travel regulations.
- Membership of the Groupi. Membership consists of three levels: Steering Group, Associate Members and Advisors.
ii. Membership for the Canine & Feline Sector Group comprises of organisations that have the reach, resources and connections to be able to contribute effectively to big picture discussions.
iii. Members are able to comment knowledgably on the issues faced by other sector animal groups UK wide and represent their views and contributions appropriately.
iv. Individual members are in the most senior leadership and/or decision making roles, and are in the position to be able to deploy the necessary resource to offer solutions.
v. The Canine & Feline Sector Group comprises CEO’s or Executive Chairman level representatives from major, relevant welfare and other appropriate organisations (i.e the Veterinary Professional bodies), with delegation to member representatives with a key interest e.g. Veterinary Directors as required. These members form a Steering Committee.
vi. The Group invites other, either permanent or occasional members of relevance and importance to meetings as necessary i.e.: police/LA’s/Trading Standards/the pet trade/corporate stakeholders/Defra etc.
vii. The group delegates responsibility for the formation of strategies, policies and proposals to small working groups comprised of relevant and appropriately qualified individuals from member organisations as necessary and appropriate.
viii. Further information on membership including subscriptions and roles can be found here: CFSG Membership Structure
- MeetingsThe Group meets as required but at least twice annually, usually in London.
- Administration and Fundingi. All organisations meet their own costs for attendance at meetings.
ii. If the Group, as a whole, needs to identify resources for any particular purpose they agree amongst themselves how the resources shall be found. Special projects or reports commissioned by the group are conditional upon acquiring the appropriate funding. Funding sources are be identified in advance.
iii. All meetings are fully supported with formal notifications, agendas and minutes.
v. The group is funded by its membership at an annual cost.
If you have any questions on CFSG, contact Marisa on canineandfelinesectorgroup@gmail.com